Results – September Medal

The September Medal was held at Aranda/Dendro course at Orchid Country Club on Thursday, 7 September 2023.

To view the overall Gross and Nett Results, simply click on the link below.

Overall Gross & Nett Division
Gross Champion: Mr Roelandts Jonathan
Gross Runner-up: Mr Eric Frappier
Nett Champion: Mr Yap Teck Seng Alan
Nett Runner-up: Mr Sam Ball

Seniors’ Division
Gross Champion: Mr James Taylor-Alford
Nett Champion: Ms Valerie Gilles-Coeur

Monthly Medal @ Warren Golf & Country Club

The above will be held at Warren Golf & Country Club on Thursday, 5 October 2023.

For details and registration, please refer to the email which was sent to all on 26 August 2023.

Please contact us if you need any further assistance.

Monthly Medal @ Orchid Country Club

The above will be held at Aranda/Dendro course @ Orchid Country Club on Thursday, 7 September 2023.

For details and registration, please refer to the email which was sent to all on 27 July 2023.

Please contact us if you need any further assistance.

Results – July Medal

The July Medal was held at Tering Bay Golf & Country Club on Saturday, 1 July 2023.

To view the overall Gross and Nett Results, simply click on the link below.

Overall Gross & Nett Division
Gross Champion: Mr David Low
Gross Runner-up: Mr Lim Hock Eng Sam
Nett Champion: Mr Chandra Sekar
Nett Runner-up: Mr Ching Kheng Hock

Seniors’ Division
Gross Champion: Mr Awtar Singh Brar
Nett Champion: Mr Jens Marc Titze

Orchid Country Club

We are pleased to share that members may enjoy concessionary golfing rate offered by Orchid Country Club with retrospective effect from 1 June 2023.

For details, please contact us or refer to the email which was sent to all on 28 June 2023.

Results for SSG-Tering Bay IAC 2023

The above event was held at Tering Bay Golf & Country Club in Batam, Indonesia, from 11 to 14 June 2023.

Winners of the respective Divisions are as follows:

Men’s Division
Champion: Ryan Wong Wey Ren (219)
1st Runner-up: Jayaditya Saluja (227)
2nd Runner-up: How Chon Heyong (228)

Women’s Division
Champion: Guo Jun Xi (225)
1st Runner-up: Rachel Lim Rui Jia (253)
2nd Runner-up: Aisyah Biggs (259)

Seniors’ Division
Champion: Jimmy Aw (230)
Runner-up: Abdul Rahim Bin Abu Bakar (234)

Monthly Medal @ Tering Bay Golf & Country Club

The above will be held at Tering Bay Golf & Country Club on Saturday, 1 July 2023.

For details and registration, please refer to the email which was sent to all on 24 May 2023.

Please contact us if you need any further assistance.

Results – May Medal

The May Medal was held at Aranda/Vanda course at Orchid Country Club on Thursday, 18 May 2023.

To view the overall Gross and Nett Results, simply click on the link below.

Overall Gross & Nett Division
Gross Champion: Ms Lim Rui Jia Rachel
Gross Runner-up: Mr Chia Chun Hong Alvin
Nett Champion: Mr Teo Chee Seng
Nett Runner-up: Mr Jasni Mohd Babu

Seniors’ Division
Gross Champion: Mr Mustafa Ali
Nett Champion: Mr Nakade Atsushi

SSG-Tering Bay International Amateur Championship 2023

The above event will be held at Tering Bay Golf & Country Club, Batam, Indonesia, from 11 to 14 June 2023.

This is a counting event for World Amateur Golf Ranking (WAGR) and will be played over 54 holes stroke play with a cut after 36 holes. Top 60% of the field, including tie/ties, will be competing in the final round.

For details, please refer to the Terms of the Competition and Entry Form below.

Notice of SSG 20th AGM

Notice is hereby given that the 20th Annual General Meeting of the Society of Singapore Golfers (SSG) will be held by electronic means on Friday, 9 June 2023, at 10.30 am.

For details and registration, please refer to the email which was sent to all on 9 May 2023.

Please contact us if you need any further assistance.